Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project、略してGNIP。

Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project, or GNIP for short. In the Republic of Ghana, approximately 30% of 2-3 years old children suffer from stunting problems. This project is working to solve the problem of lost growth due to inadequate nutrition in the first 1000 days (from the pregnancy of mevidence to the second birthday), which cannot be reversed afterwards.
In response to this complex issue, which cannot be solved by our foundation alone, we are building a model to improve nutrition by establishing a sustainable social business through collaboration among industry, government, academia, and the private sector, mainly in Ghana and Japan.

3分でわかるGNIP、KOKO Plus®について
Introduction of GNIP & “KOKO PlusⓇ” in 3 minutes



Project Background and History


離乳食に混ぜて摂取できる栄養サプリメント「KOKO PlusⓇ」。その栄養効果のみならず、受益者の栄養知識と行動変容、官民連携パートナーシップに至るまで、活動を通して幅広く構築され、論文化された知見を公開しています。

KOKO PlusⓇ , a nutritional supplement that can be mixed with complementary food. Various knowledge through the project, not only its nutritional efficacy, but also the behavior change of the beneficiaries, as well as public-private partnerships, have been extensively developed and published through our activities. Here are the lists of the publicatons.

「KOKO PlusⓇ」栄養効果
  1. Improving complementary feeding in Ghana: reaching the vulnerable through innovative business – the case of KOKO Plus (2014)
  2. Optimization of the nutrient content and protein quality of cereal–legume blends for use as complementary foods in Ghana (2014)
  3. Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Considerations for the Development and Delivery of High Quality Complementary Food Supplements (2015)
  4. Effect of a macro and micronutrient fortified complementary food supplement (KOKO Plus) on linear growth of children 18 months of age in Ghana (2016)
  5. A macro- and micro-nutrient fortified complementary food supplement reduced acute infection, improved hemoglobin and showed a dose response effect in improving linear growth: a 12 month cluster randomized trial (2019)
  6. Development and Sensory Shelf-Life Testing of KOKO Plus: A Food Supplement for Improving the Nutritional Profiles of Traditional Complementary Foods (2019)
  1. リジン強化試験(ガーナ大がコンタクトを取ってきた最初のきっかけ)次のワークシートの黄色部分
  2. Effect of lysine supplementation on health and morbidity in subjects belonging to poor peri-urban households in Accra, Ghana (2010)
  3. Fostering reflective trust between mothers and community health nurses to improve the effectiveness of health and nutrition efforts: An ethnographic study in Ghana, West Africa (2016)
  4. Effect of the provision of a macro- and micro-nutrient fortified complementary food supplement on nutritional status of Ghanaian infants (2017)
  5. Changes of Plasma Amino Acid Profiles in Infants With a Nutrient-Fortified Complementary Food Supplement: Evidence From a 12-Month Single-Blind Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (2021)
  1. Benhayoune, S., and Y. Toride (2022) “Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project: Co-designing a P.ACT to Tackle Infant Malnutrition.”
  1. 横山恵子(2019)「BOP事業とコーポレート・ソーシャル・アントレプレナーシップ─ソーシャルビジネスと正当化行動の視座」『組織科学』53(2):57-70。
  2. Hitotsubashi Business Review 2012 2号 ビジネスケース『味の素 - ~栄養改善をめざしたBOP市場への参入』
  3. Hitotsubashi Business Review 2023 Spr 味の素ファンデーション ソーシャルビジネスで挑む子どもの栄養改善